Scratch and Sniff Jeans Are Here: Is Other Outerwear Next?

Wired Magazine recently reported that jeans designer Naked and Famous has released a line of scented jeans. Says the article:

The company has already produced raspberry jeans, and the next pair are mint. Scratch the fabric and baked-in microcapsules break open, releasing a whiff of wintergreen. (The capsules will last through at least 10 washes.) [Designer Brandon] Svarc says the smells are intended as a novelty feature. “If you want to get rid of your body odor, you should definitely wear deodorant.” But that won’t stop us from scratching if we need to freshen up.

While to our knowledge no promotional apparel suppliers currently offer scented apparel—what do you think? Could you see a client being interested in a mint-scented jacket? What about one scented like a food item, like chocolate or coffee? Let us know in the poll to the right or the comments field below.

Wired Magazine: Yes, Scratch and Sniff Jeans Finally Exist

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